Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Zombie Slayer: Penny

A friend of mine from school, Penny made a post on Facebook about a dream where she killed zombies with a samurai sword. Obviously I do not need to explain about how that desperately needs to be immortalized in a drawing.

As you can see in the sketch above, I am not sure if I want to add her glasses or not. I am going to add more to the bottom of the image, I just got lazy and decided not to sketch it all out.

The pose became somewhat of a pin-up looking pose. I had another thumbnail sketch where she appeared to be more action related and "bad ass". If you know Penny, you know that she is a very pretty girl who has her own style going on, and I thought the pin-up and flirty pose fit this better.

I think when I ink this, I'll ink it to fit 11 x 17, in case I like it enough to get it printed.

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